
Warranty Policy

At M & R we are dedicated to giving our customers quality appliances.

We will repair or remake any defective part or appliance at no charge. This is our commitment to providing you the highest quality appliances. For Positioners, our warranty is 1 year. All other appliances, 90 days.

This warranty is VOID under the circumstances of damage due to patient abuse or distorted impressions. After the warranty has expired, all appliances are subject to repair or remake charges. Practices are responsible for accurate models, wax bites, and completed prescription forms. All appliance are guaranteed to fit the models sent in by the practice.

PLEASE NOTE- When requesting any repair, remake, or replacement just return the original appliance and model, as well as any parts, to us so that we can evaluate it. If a wax bite was used to fabricate the appliance, please send the wax bite back as well.

If we do not receive the originals, at the technicians discretion, you could be charged for a brand new appliance.